Basketball - The Brunei Junior Sport League
The Brunei Junior Sport League is organized by the Youth and Culture Department with the cooperation from the Co-curriculum Department from the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports, and also the Jerudong International School together with the other sports committee of the nation.
The organizers main objective of the league is to encourage the youth to develop and even honed their skills in sports like basketball, netball and football. Categories are U-15 and U-18. This is great for our youth to have an access and participation in sports activities since it plays a vital role to them socially. Some of these are, for example: to provide them with fun and gratification, need for friendship, a sense of belonging, and such alike; to offer the near-term prospect of healthier minds and bodies through physical exercise; and for the long-term cumulative favorable outcome and benefit generally associated with youth development. Sports and professional athlete role models also help deter juvenile delinquency.
In other games, Sekolah Menengah Sayyidina Hussain (SMSH) bags two titles for the U-15 and U19 in the netball category.
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